Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Was hoping for something nice out of the "suprise" daylilies I bought last year at the Master Gardeners swap...nope...just orange old fashioned daylilies. Oh well. My cousin is looking for some daylilies, so they'll probably go to her. Bama Music is setting blooms right I'll hopefully get some new photos in the next few days...:)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bad blogger, new daylilies!

Denny bought me this BEAUTIFUL daylily 'Big Smile' that just bloomed today. It was a birthday present, along with the hosta 'Snow Cap' below. We haven't been getting much rain lately, so everything is lacking blooms and growth. Stupid rodents keep digging in my planter garden, so my calla lilies are lacking as well. It's hard to water without an outside hose, but I'm trying to keep at it.


Also bought 'Bama Music' at a store clearance, $3.50 for a pot of 5 fans! I bought a couple pots, going to do like house corners and such with them. Very excited to do that, just need to give my wrist a little more rest before I do some serious digging, then head out to moms for some more black dirt!